Friday 22 July 2011


i'm not starving. i just need some food to stop my tummy from keep singing. hahaa aku mmg cmni.. salu blapar,kasi perut pedih dulu, dah secretes gastric juice sume bru la ingt nk mkn.. mkn bkn point utama aku n for sure lah aku mkn bkn untk kenyang.. *dah mcm rukhsah mkn mknn hrm*

emm ape ade dlm refrigerator ehh *g usha jap* setelah meneroka, ape yg aku jmpe, soya corn flavour-milo-nesc-coklat-vanilla icecream-nugget blom msak-sayo mentah-cold water-kurma *yusof taiyoob...*-kaya pandan-laici-sweets-meds-ice *bkn ice baby tu eh*-scott's-sunquick blom bancoh-mayonese-ubat batuk cap ibu&anak *dyana ktagih,hehee* n some other things yg xpnting.. sume x mmbuka selera aku.. hmm xde food len ke.. *searching...* ohh ade biskut tiger-nestum-oat-telur blom msak n periuk nasi =_= .. okay, dah jumpe ape yg aku nak mkn..


  1. Feet are stepped to the kitchen and a mug is grabbed.
  2. Eyes are directed to the peak and Nestum was seized.
  3. Milo has taken out from the freezer.
  4. Nestum and Milo are poured into the mug and being stirred.
  5. Hands are used to hold the mug.
  6. Mouth was already opened to received the Nestum.
  7. Bella was successfully finished up the Nestum after a few minutes.
  8. Bella was actually doesn't have another kinda nonsense thing to do.
  9. Wei, dah2. xyah nak bace procedure ni smpai habes.
  10. Dah habes pon. hahaa :P
mende aku buat ni weh ? ngarut je ohh.. ni lah ble da xde keje n boring, ntah ape yg aku ngarut kat blog.. hohoo intenet da ar tngh problem skrg ni.. fb xleh bukak.. nseb baek blog dpt bukak.. klau tak, mmg arrr... ni pon still sangkut2.. huhh so, lpas neh sume aku luah kat blog je laa.. huhuu

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