so lets talk about where i spent my time during the last weekend. where? where? where? hahahaha nanti2 lah cerita. jom layan video geraysen ni dulu :3
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Friday, 24 May 2013
Have a nice day!
I'm away from social networks for a while, starting today. no twitter, no facebook, no wechat or whatsapp ahahaha will be back soon, very soon. gonna have some fun with my family.
oh since its May 24th already, happy birthday AJ (: takde special post macam sebelum2 ni ahaha bye.
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going to catch him mwahaha |
Thursday, 23 May 2013
You're the One that I don't Want
ini cerita masa sem 1. lama jugak aku simpan cerita ni. hahaha takde siapa yang tau kecuali beberapa orang yang aku rasa aku patut bagitau. bila ingat balik sumpah rasa kelakar hahaha adoi macam budak ni
so kat kampus, untuk koko aku terpaksa join badan pertolongan cemas ataupun short form dia bpc. lain2 kelab dah penuh, terpaksalah aku terperap dalam bpc tu selama 3 sem. masa sem 1 ni aku dalam kelas B. so adalah sorang mamat ni, dia jadi ketua masa sem 1. dia ni lama2 aku tengok makin pelik. bukan pelik apa. dia macam suka tegur2 aku. masa tu aku tak pikir apa so layan tak layan jelah kan. segar lagi kat kepala aku ni beberapa peristiwa yang mcm bodoh2 je bila ingat balik.
kitorang kena buat group untuk presentation. group aku 4 orang n semua pompuan. yang si mamat ni kan ketua, so dia ada simpan slide copy. group member aku ni nak slide copy untuk tajuk kitorang, boleh tiru sikit2 :p mamat ni boleh bagi dengan syarat kitorang kena edit2 sikit bagi nampak lain dengan yang ori. one day group member aku ni tak bawak pendrive dia padahal kitorang memang dah takde masa dah. kebetulan aku bawak so aku pun bagilah aku punya pendrive kat mamat tu walaupun berat hati nak bagi. yelah takut hilang.
beberapa hari dia pegang pendrive aku tu, aku rasa nak guna so aku tanya group member aku tu. last2 dia soh aku pi contact mamat tu sendiri, dia bagi nombor. lepas da contact, malam tu kitorang jumpa kat fakulti dia. nasib baik roommate aku baik hati nak teman. masa jumpa tu mula2 macam awkward, lepas tu dia bukak mulut, "eh tingginya kau ni" alaa aku da biasa dengar so aku gelak jelah.
so lepas malam tulah dia berani tegur2 aku bagai and point untuk dia berborak ngan aku ialah tinggi aku. tak habis2 nak ukur tinggi ngan aku. eii rimas betul. one day kat pasar malam tiba2 dia tepuk lengan aku. nasib baik tak gugur jantung aku. dia cakap aku laju je keluar dari kelas bpc tadi. memanglah laju sebab aku nak lari dari dia -.- lepas tu dia tanya pasal num tel aku, dia mintak balik. aku bagi jelah sebab nak dia bla dari situ. haih payah
long story short. beberapa hari sebelum raya aku dapat text dari dia. mula2 ok tapi aku jadi pelik bila dia tanya aku ni single lagi ke tak. aku teragak-agak nak balas, nak je jawab aku ni tak single sebab aku mcm dapat agak apa yang dia nak cakap lepas tu. dan memang betul, dia mintak kapel kat aku hahahahahahahaha tak lawak k. time tu dalam kepala aku cuma ada nama roommate aku je sebab dia je yang tau pasal mamat ni. aku bbm dia cerita semua. mula2 dia terkejut gak pastu dia gelak -_- dia suruh aku jawab elok2 kalau nak reject bagi mamat tu tak terasa. puas gak aku pikir apa nak jawab. lama2 aku balas aku tak ready lagi. aku ingat dia tak balas dah la lepas tu. tak sangka dia merayu-rayu, aku ingat lagi ayat dia "kau taknak bagi aku peluang ke?" meremang bulu roma aku, geli gilaaa! macam2 alasan aku bagi; tak ready, kawan lagi best and disebabkan dia tanya kenapa aku taknak terima dia buat kali keberapa ntah, last2 aku jawab "aku suka orang lain"
kalau korang baca text dia bagi lepas tu, mesti korang dapat bayangkan betapa kecewanya dia. aku pun tak sampai hati gak tapi takkan aku nak terima. aku tanya gak kenapa aku? jawapan dia tu tak memuaskan hati je hahaha sejak dari moment tu, kitorang dah tak bertegur macam dulu. tak sporting gila ah dia ni. aku buat biasa je macam takde apa jadi. masa aku buat presentation, aku ada terpandang dia, then dia tunduk. gawwwd perlu ke? disebabkan benda tu je weh, sampai ke sem 2 kitorang tak bercakap langsung. nasib baik sem 3 ni last koko. lepas ni dah takyah jumpa dia lagi.
enough with that. tak lama lepas tu, ada sorang lagi mamat ni tapi aku jumpa dia dalam bas nak balik perak sebab seat aku sebelah dia -,- malang betul. dah sampai perak barulah dia bukak mulut tegur aku. dah borak3, dia cakap "hmm lepas ni dah tak jumpa dah" lebih kurang mcm tulah. sebenarnya aku paham maksud dia, dia tengah cuba nak mintak no aku tapi aku buat2 tak paham. haih time tu rasa mcm lambat pulak nak sampai kampus. entah macam mana aku putar belit cerita sampai aku yang terbelit sendiri menyebabkan aku bagi dua2 nombor aku grrr. balik tu dia text aku dua2 no tapi aku tak balas. siap call tapi aku tak jawab. dalam minggu tu aku mmg tak jawab ler kalau ada call dari nombor dia sampaila dia tak call dah.
begitulah kisahnya. aku cerita kat mak aku, dia kata takyah la nak ada boyfren ni. awal lagi.. kawan je dulu. mak aku memang strict kalau pasal lelaki ni. time degree nanti takpelah. sekarang ni awal lagi. belajar je dulu. aku pun rasa macam tu sebab tengok member kat sana, hmm otp sampai pagi. ganggu masa nak tidur, nak study. lecehnya lahai. baik single je, jimat masa, jimat kredit, ye dok?
photos credit to weheartit,
single lady
tadi aku panaskan lauk kat dapur. pastu aku duduk kat depan laptop balik. lepas tu rasa macam tak sedap hati so aku pergi dapur balik. tengok2 api dah terpadam tapi punat gas tu still terbukak. terkejut jugakla tapi aku pikir maybe gas dah habis kot. tak berani nak cuba nyalakan api balik. dah la aku sorang2 kat umah ni. tapi bukan tu yang aku nak cite sebenarnya.
nak tanya, kenapa lelaki selalu tak puas hati kalau kita fangirl kat sesape yang kita suka? aku da banyak kali gila kena. baik dekat kl, sampai la ke perak. ada je yang tak puas hati. lepas tu dah tak puas hati, kutuk2 pulak muka orang tu, nama orang tu. kau ingat kau bagus sangat ke nak kutuk2 orang? ada satu masa ni, ada yang tanya aku, "kenapa kau minat sangat kat dia ni?" kenapa tak tanya diri kau sendiri, kenapa kau kapel ngan awek kau tu? hahaha tapi belum terlepas lagilah ayat tu dari mulut aku. maybe lepas ni kot. hahaha better kot aku kapel ngan orang yang tak wujud daripada kapel dengan orang betul. jauh dari dosa, am I right? ^_^ lepas tu ada yang tanya, 'perlu ke nak letak gambar dorang jadi wallpaper hp?' habis tu kau nak aku letak gambar ngko ke cemana??
kalau dorang dengan awek dorang takde pun aku nak mengata ke apa. ada tu sampai pegang2 bagai, ayat jiwang2 pastu ada hati nak mengata aku. kalau dorang gilakan bola tu sangat2 sampai berhabis duit kenapa aku takleh habiskan duit untuk minat aku? lagipun aku pakai duit aku sukahati aku ah, bukan susahkan dorang pun. so lepas ni aku harap takde yang menyibuk lagi, aku takde pun nak amek peduli hal orang. kalau nak stalk pun aku diam2 je takde pun nak sakitkan hati orang ke apa. tapi orang selalu sakitkan hati aku. haih pedih tapi pendam jela kan. tak guna kalau layan orang berfikiran sempit macam tu. ala sebenarnya perempuan pun ada je yang segolong ngan lelaki2 ni. jeles cakap je ah hahaha kbye.
photos credit to weheartit,
Majlis Anugerah Dekan OM114/BM118 Jun-Okt 2012
ada benda yang aku kongsi dekat sini, ada yang tak patut aku kongsi. ada yang aku belum sedia nak cerita dekat sini dan ada yang aku rasa patut dikongsi walaupun tak semua suka dengan cerita aku ni. sebenarnya nak cerita benda ni tapi takut ada yang terasa dan takut ada yang kata aku show off. but now I'm sorry. whether you like it or not, I'm going to tell the world cewahhh I'm not going to listen to badmouth people anymore. and I don't even care about what would you say. True friends will support and vice versa. This is me and you have to deal with it (:
so lama jugak kitorang tertanya-tanya, ada ke tak sebenarnya majlis anugerah dekan ni? fakulti2 lain banyak yang dah dapat sijil bagai. one day kitorang pergi ke bilik pensyarah yang terbabit untuk tanya pasal benda ni, actually nak amek sijil DL tu. pastu dia kata nanti akan ada majlis untuk korang semua, jangan risau. lega sikit bila da dapat tau tarikh majlis tu. temanya tradisional melayu. aku pakai baju kurung biasa je. simple as always. nak melawa pun majlisnya kat dewan je.
untuk part 1, nama aku yang second naik pentas pftttt nasib baik second. tapi tahap nervousnya mmg takleh nak ceghita lah. yelah first time kan. rektor tak dapat datang masa tu so Prof Madya Dr Norlida Mohd Noor yang sampaikan sijil. masa turn aku ambek skrol tu, aku salam je tangan dia, tak cium pun! omg masa turun pentas aku tak habis2 kutuk dalam hati, ya Allah kuang ajarnya aku, tak cium tangan diaa.. tapi lega sikit sebab bukan aku sorang je yang buat macam tu. rupa2nya ramai je yang salam tak cium. tapi tetap tak sopan lah bagi aku. next majlis insyaAllah aku cium tangan penyampai sijil tu unless kalau dia lelaki.
lepas habis semua, memang lega gila. mana taknya, part 3 ngan part 4 punyalah ramai yang dekan. kitorang yang part 1 ni duduk jela tunggu. nasib baik ada persembahan. takdelah ngantuk sangat. akak yang nyanyi tu sama nama ayah dia ngan ayah aku hahaha lawak. cuba dengar suara dia ni
semua lecturer ada. dorang setiap sorang mesti ucap tahniah hahaha patutnya kitorang yang ucap terima kasih kat dorang.
lepastu ada sesi bergambar. para penerima anugerah boleh naik pentas untuk bergambar dlm masa 20min. mula2 kitorang naiklah untuk group photo. gila kau satu pentas tu penuh. tak payah naik pun takpe sebenarnya sebab tak nampak muka pun -.- tapi aku tinggi so nampakkan lah jugak mwahahaha xD pastu terus turun bawah amek lunch kat luar dewan. agak2 dah macam takde apa, kitorang pun balik bilik.
actually nak kata pun, pointer aku taklah tinggi mana. betul2 atas pagar. ada yang lagi tinggi. tapi Tuhan dah bagi rezeki kat aku, alhamdulillah lah. aku rasa aku tak layak pun dapat anugerah ni sebab sepanjang sem aku main2 je, usaha pun tak segigih orang lain. dalam kelas aku tu ada yang lagi layak aku rasa. tapi Tuhan pilih aku. mungkin nak bagi peluang kat aku untuk sedar diri. kawan2 yang lain pun sebenarnya boleh dapat dekan. cuma mungkin cara dorang tak kena. belajar ni nak kena dapat berkat barulah boleh berjaya, ok?
UiTM Perak
Sunday, 19 May 2013
Take My Heart
Don’t have no fancy occupation
I can’t fly you to the moon
Ain’t got nothing in my pocket
But I got enough love for you
I don’t drive a Lamborghini
(No, I don’t)
All my clothes are old & used
Ain’t got no house up on the hill, girl
But I got enough love for you
Girl what I give
You can’t put a price tag on it
You’re worth more than gold
And I’ll do anything to have it
Spend all my time on you
I ain’t got no dime to pay
But if I gave one thing away
Take my heart today
Ooooooooh, oooooooh
Take my heart today
Ooooooooh, oooooooh
Let me show you what you’ve been missing
(My love)
And show you what love’s supposed to do
(Love is suppose to do)
We don’t need no mansion or money
‘Cause I got enough love for you
It don’t take no rocket science
To know that I’m your dream come true
Let me promise you this one thing
That I got enough love for you
Got so much love for you
Girl what I give
You can’t put a price tag on it
You’re worth more than gold
And I’ll do anything to have it
Spend all my time on you
I ain’t got no dime to pay
But if I gave one thing away
Take my heart today
Girl what I give
You can’t put a price tag on it
You’re worth more than gold
And I’ll do anything to have it
Spend all my time on you
I ain’t got no dime to pay
But if I gave one thing away
Girl what I give
You can’t put a price tag on it
You’re worth more than gold
I’ll do anything to have it
Spend all my time on you, yeah
I ain’t got no dime to pay
But if I gave one thing away
Take my heart today
Ooooooooh, oooooooh
Take my heart today
Ooooooooh, take my heart today
Ooooooooh, oooooooh
I can’t fly you to the moon
Ain’t got nothing in my pocket
But I got enough love for you
I don’t drive a Lamborghini
(No, I don’t)
All my clothes are old & used
Ain’t got no house up on the hill, girl
But I got enough love for you
Girl what I give
You can’t put a price tag on it
You’re worth more than gold
And I’ll do anything to have it
Spend all my time on you
I ain’t got no dime to pay
But if I gave one thing away
Take my heart today
Ooooooooh, oooooooh
Take my heart today
Ooooooooh, oooooooh
Let me show you what you’ve been missing
(My love)
And show you what love’s supposed to do
(Love is suppose to do)
We don’t need no mansion or money
‘Cause I got enough love for you
It don’t take no rocket science
To know that I’m your dream come true
Let me promise you this one thing
That I got enough love for you
Got so much love for you
Girl what I give
You can’t put a price tag on it
You’re worth more than gold
And I’ll do anything to have it
Spend all my time on you
I ain’t got no dime to pay
But if I gave one thing away
Take my heart today
Girl what I give
You can’t put a price tag on it
You’re worth more than gold
And I’ll do anything to have it
Spend all my time on you
I ain’t got no dime to pay
But if I gave one thing away
Girl what I give
You can’t put a price tag on it
You’re worth more than gold
I’ll do anything to have it
Spend all my time on you, yeah
I ain’t got no dime to pay
But if I gave one thing away
Take my heart today
Ooooooooh, oooooooh
Take my heart today
Ooooooooh, take my heart today
Ooooooooh, oooooooh
California Sky
Sometimes I wish that I could stop the clock from turning
And spend the weekend lost inside your eyes
Somehow I wish I could halt the roses burning
‘Til I can make you mine
From the first time I saw you at that coffee shop on Melrose
They were playing “Hey Jude” & we both sang along
Could’ve talked forever
Had a thousand cups of coffee
I hated that my flight was taking off
And if I had the time
And I could live a different life
And if this plane would fly
Over the California sky
I’d be with you tonight
I’d be with you tonight
I put my headphones on & went right to the Beatles
Looked out the window, saw your face amongst the stars
Ten hours ‘til London & I wondered if you’d been here
And if you know you caught my heart
From the first time I saw you at that coffee shop on Melrose
With your skinny black jeans & your long blonde hair
Could’ve talked forever
Had a thousand cups of coffee
Instead of being ten thousand feet above nowhere
And if I had the time
And I could live a different life
And if this plane would fly
Over the California sky
I’d be with you tonight
I’d be with you tonight
I wanna take you up to Malibu
I wanna hold your hand in Griffith Park
I wanna dance with you in Hollywood
And kiss your lips under the stars
And if I had the time
And I could live a different life
And if this plane would fly
Over the California sky
I’d be with you tonight
I’d be with you tonight
I’d be with you tonight
I’d be with you tonight
I’d be with you tonight
And spend the weekend lost inside your eyes
Somehow I wish I could halt the roses burning
‘Til I can make you mine
From the first time I saw you at that coffee shop on Melrose
They were playing “Hey Jude” & we both sang along
Could’ve talked forever
Had a thousand cups of coffee
I hated that my flight was taking off
And if I had the time
And I could live a different life
And if this plane would fly
Over the California sky
I’d be with you tonight
I’d be with you tonight
I put my headphones on & went right to the Beatles
Looked out the window, saw your face amongst the stars
Ten hours ‘til London & I wondered if you’d been here
And if you know you caught my heart
From the first time I saw you at that coffee shop on Melrose
With your skinny black jeans & your long blonde hair
Could’ve talked forever
Had a thousand cups of coffee
Instead of being ten thousand feet above nowhere
And if I had the time
And I could live a different life
And if this plane would fly
Over the California sky
I’d be with you tonight
I’d be with you tonight
I wanna take you up to Malibu
I wanna hold your hand in Griffith Park
I wanna dance with you in Hollywood
And kiss your lips under the stars
And if I had the time
And I could live a different life
And if this plane would fly
Over the California sky
I’d be with you tonight
I’d be with you tonight
I’d be with you tonight
I’d be with you tonight
I’d be with you tonight
At first I
Was speechless
At first I crumbled every time you smiled
You’re right here
Beside me
You’re right here, saying you liked to stay a while
All the people say we’ll never
Be the type to stay together
But you know I promise you we’re gonna
prove them wrong
Maybe this is wrong
Oh maybe
You’re the one for me
You’re the one for me
This feels a lot like love
Leila, Leila, Leila
You’re the one for me
Snow falling
But every word you whisper keeps me warm
All the odds are stacked against us
People say it’s just a crush but
If I could you know that I’d stay here my whole life long
Maybe this is wrong
Oh, maybe
You’re the one for me
You’re the one for me
This feels a lot like love
Leila, Leila, Leila
You’re the one for me
Maybe I’ll get hurt
And I should keep my distance
Be careful with my heart
But I don’t want to listen
Here with you tonight
Something in me knows this can’t be wrong
You’re the one for me
You’re the one for me
This feels a lot like love
Leila, Leila, Leila
You’re the one for me
The one for me
Was speechless
At first I crumbled every time you smiled
You’re right here
Beside me
You’re right here, saying you liked to stay a while
All the people say we’ll never
Be the type to stay together
But you know I promise you we’re gonna
prove them wrong
Maybe this is wrong
Oh maybe
You’re the one for me
You’re the one for me
This feels a lot like love
Leila, Leila, Leila
You’re the one for me
Snow falling
But every word you whisper keeps me warm
All the odds are stacked against us
People say it’s just a crush but
If I could you know that I’d stay here my whole life long
Maybe this is wrong
Oh, maybe
You’re the one for me
You’re the one for me
This feels a lot like love
Leila, Leila, Leila
You’re the one for me
Maybe I’ll get hurt
And I should keep my distance
Be careful with my heart
But I don’t want to listen
Here with you tonight
Something in me knows this can’t be wrong
You’re the one for me
You’re the one for me
This feels a lot like love
Leila, Leila, Leila
You’re the one for me
The one for me
You Might Be The One
Some people call me crazy
But I don’t think I’m crazy
To believe that you and me could be something
To believe that you and me could be something
Some people say you’re no good
But they don’t know what’s good for me
If it isn’t you then I don’t need nothing
If it isn’t you then I don’t need nothing
When the lighting strikes
And the rain comes down
I’ll be all right
I’ll dance in your storm
When the thunder roars
In the darkest night
I see your light
You bring me back home
I feel a fire burning my soul
That’s how I know
That’s how I know
It’s like desire pulling me in
When I shouldn’t go
That’s how I know
That I am sold…
That you might be the one
Yeah, you might be the one
Some people think it’s stupid
But I don’t think it’s stupid
To be young and put yourself over me
Don’t need directions
This is where I wanna be
When the lighting strikes
And the rain comes down
I’ll be all right
I’ll dance in your storm
When the thunder roars
In the darkest night
I see your light
You bring me back home
I feel a fire burning my soul
That’s how I know
That’s how I know
It’s like desire pulling me in
When I shouldn’t go
That’s how I know
That I am sold…
That you might be the one
That you might be the one
(You might be the one)
That you might be the one
The one…
I feel a fire burning my soul
That’s how I know
That’s how I know
It’s like desire pulling me in
When I shouldn’t go
That’s how I know
That I am sold…
That you might be the one.
But I don’t think I’m crazy
To believe that you and me could be something
To believe that you and me could be something
Some people say you’re no good
But they don’t know what’s good for me
If it isn’t you then I don’t need nothing
If it isn’t you then I don’t need nothing
When the lighting strikes
And the rain comes down
I’ll be all right
I’ll dance in your storm
When the thunder roars
In the darkest night
I see your light
You bring me back home
I feel a fire burning my soul
That’s how I know
That’s how I know
It’s like desire pulling me in
When I shouldn’t go
That’s how I know
That I am sold…
That you might be the one
Yeah, you might be the one
Some people think it’s stupid
But I don’t think it’s stupid
To be young and put yourself over me
Don’t need directions
This is where I wanna be
When the lighting strikes
And the rain comes down
I’ll be all right
I’ll dance in your storm
When the thunder roars
In the darkest night
I see your light
You bring me back home
I feel a fire burning my soul
That’s how I know
That’s how I know
It’s like desire pulling me in
When I shouldn’t go
That’s how I know
That I am sold…
That you might be the one
That you might be the one
(You might be the one)
That you might be the one
The one…
I feel a fire burning my soul
That’s how I know
That’s how I know
It’s like desire pulling me in
When I shouldn’t go
That’s how I know
That I am sold…
That you might be the one.
Saturday, 11 May 2013
the left-handed man
entah apa2 tajuk. ah sukati aku la nak letak tajuk apa pun :p hmm siapa kidal kat sini? tahniah sebab anda dilahirkan unik dari orang lain hehee sepanjang hidup aku yang hampir2 cecah 19 tahun ni, ada beberapa orang lelaki kidal yang aku kenal, majoriti yang aku selalu bagi perhatian. oh dalam family aku pun ada yang kidal. paksu, pakteh n cousin aku dua orang. semua LELAKI. perempuan kidal mmg jarang2 aku jumpa. tapi yang paling dekat ngan aku adalah dlm 2 orang. nad bff aku tersayang dengan jijah, classmate aku muahahaha sorry kalau ada yg aku tak sebut, aku ni pelupa sikit. tapi korang tetap ada dlm hati aku *sila muntah sekarang*
okay, first guy to mention ialah crush pertama aku. nama diaaa... mana boleh bagitau. bocor la rahsia aku miahaha nak cerita sikit pasal dia ni. kisah kitorang agak pelik tapi benar. dulu dia sefamily duduk satu flat ngan nenek aku. dipendekkan cerita, ibu dia kenal nenek aku sebab bisnes yang ibu dia buat, masa tu aku darjah 5. slalu gak lah datang umah nenek aku. aku pun pernah g umah dia sekali, sorang pulak tu sebab nak hantar barang, and dia sendiri yang bukak pintu. itulah kali pertama dan terakhir aku bercakap dengan dia. bila ingat balik rasa macam bodoh2 je lah -_- lama2 mak aku dengan ibu dia rapat. aiseyman hidup siapa yang tak indah kalau mak sendiri kawan dengan mak crush dia, lagi2 ibu dia selalu sangat cerita pasal dia. tapi tu semua tak jamin apa2. lama2 aku pun minat dia.
rupanya dia ramai secret admirer. hotstuff skolah kot dulu. yelah, dia tinggi, putih pulak tu, mmg hensem lah. nak cerita lagi, kitorang banyak sangat persamaan, time tu rasa mcm dia mmg jodoh aku. bengong2 je. dia dah la sebaya, time skolah dulu satu rumah sukan dengan aku, dia dapat no 2 dlm kls sama mcm aku, kitorang sekelas kat skolah agama, dia anak lelaki tunggal dlm adik bradik, aku anak perempuan tunggal, nama kitorang ada 12 huruf, and yang paling takleh blah, time ambek PSRA kat sekolah agama dulu, dlm exam hall tu, tempat aku betul2 SEBELAH dia -_- i was like, ya Allah, apa nasib aku? suka mmg suka tapi rasa malu, kaku, awkward semua ada haih cuba lah korang bayangkan kalau korang kat tempat aku. lagi2 hampir satu kelas tau aku suka dia -_- dan dia pun tahu sebenarnya.
persamaan kitorang tak berhenti takat sekolah rendah je. naik sekolah menengah, rupanya dia dapat masuk kelas yg sama ngan aku, 1 utarid. tapi nasib baik dia tak sekolah situ. ibu dia hantar pergi sekolah luar negeri. so sampai situ jelah cerita kitorang. lama2 aku pun dah tak minat kat dia sebab dah jumpa crush baru :p dlm tempoh tu aku ada pergi rumah dia, bukan kat flat nenek aku dah, dia pindah. mak aku yang ajak. malangnya lahai bila time tu dia ada pulak kat umah. awkward gila -_- mesti dia pikir aku saja ambek kesempatan nak datang umah dia, usha dia. eww please bro. aku takdelah desperate sangat mcm stalker2 kau dulu. oh ya, dulu dia ni ramai admirer sampai ada yg datang ke rumah, then kena halau dengan ibu dia. aku rasa ida tau cerita ni :p hahaha kesian korang. aku senang2 je pergi rumah dia, bitch be jelly :p lagi satu, aku tau semua pasal dia sebab ibu dia banyak cerita kat mak aku. aku curi2 dengar la, eleh kalau tak curi2 pun mmg terdengar gak -.- and ibu dia selalu jugak tanya pasal sekolah kat aku, sebab kitorang satu sekolah saan, sekolah game. agak lama jugak aku tak jumpa dia, last cerita aku dengar dia kat syria tak salah. ntah da balik malaysia ke belum. ibu dia pun da jarang2 datang umah aku, datang pun kadang2 je masuk, selebihnya just borak kejap then pergi sebab ibu dia selalu rushing. macam tulah sekarang.
3 perenggan untuk seorang sahaja hahaha sikit la sangat :p k seterusnya ialah first celebrity crush, David Archuleta! tayah cerita panjang pasal dia sebab dah banyak kali cerita hahaa suka tengok dia main gitar dlm video Crush :D dia pun terer main piano gak, macam Guhreysern. and birthday dia sama dengan birthday first crush aku kat sekolah menengah, Irwansyah :>
next is One Direction's Niall Horan wuuu dia ni tersangatlah comel. mula2 tengok, ingatkan dia yg paling muda dlm band tu ahaha what so special bout nialler? he's niall, he's in one direction. he sings and play an instrument with 6 strings on it! bahahaha food and niall cannot be separated. and birthday dia 5 hari sebelum birthday aku wahhh terasa dekat hehee
dan hari ni, aku baru tau, Justin Bieber yang famous amos tu rupa2nya kidal jugak -_- hahaa dah tak minat memang lah taktau. sedih kan cerita aku? kbye.
david archuleta,
Justin Bieber,
Niall Horan,
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