Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Greyson Chance interview with MSN in Malaysia

MSN exclusive: Greyson Chance on Malaysian girls and mee kolok

We caught up with Greyson on his second Malaysian trip this year (seriously, he should consider moving here already!).

Greyson Chance (© Universal Music Malaysia)

Greyson Chance stopped by Malaysia for the second time this year (his last visit was in April) for a special autograph session, with a new EP in tow, titled ‘Truth Be Told Part 1’.
The autograph session took place in F.O.S Mid Valley, where fans waited since 7am to meet the teen pop star. Greyson, as always, was more than accommodating, and signed all exclusive posters for fans who pre-ordered the new official Greyson Chance merchandise from F.O.S. and his new EP, which was released at the end of October.
We caught up for a one-on-one chat with Greyson before his autograph session and grilled him on having a secret Malaysian girlfriend, haters and the enigmatic ‘Laila’.

Greyson Chance (© Universal Music Malaysia)

You’re practically an unofficial Malaysian permanent resident…
Greyson: I know! I have to come to see the fans, they’re so sweet. I love the fans in Malaysia, especially Kuala Lumpur. I love coming here, I feel so welcomed. And now I get to bring them a new EP, ‘Truth Be Told Part 1’. I felt like I needed to come here and launch it.
Do you secretly have a Malaysian girlfriend?
Greyson: No, I wish I did, though! The girls are so beautiful here. I wish I had the time to have a girlfriend.
What’s your favourite Malaysian food and places?
Greyson: Okay, not durian. I was just in Kuching and they have something called “kolok mee”, it’s sooo good! I love KL and I love Kota Kinabalu. I was just there and I got to stay close to the beach, I love it, it’s so beautiful.
Speaking of Kuching, your first Instagram post was of you landing there. How’d that come about?
Greyson: My guitarist, he said, “Bro, you gotta get an Instagram” and he convinced me on that flight. When we landed and had wi-fi, that’s how I started it. I didn’t realise there were so many fake mes on Instagram. I couldn’t get my own name. I had to use a fake name and then later on, they changed it.

Greyson Chance (© Universal Music Malaysia)

Who takes care of Whiskey (Greyson's dog) when you’re away?
Greyson: My dad. My dad has him right now. I think he [Whiskey, his dog] misses me more than I miss him. Let me show you his picture! He’s five months old and I’ve had him for maybe, four months. We rescued him from a shelter.
Greyson then whips out his iPhone and starts showing us all these photos of Whiskey. Too cute!
You have a track called ‘Leila’. Who’s that?
Greyson: A lot of fans ask “Who’s this girl??!” and I’m like “No no no, don’t get it twisted.” Leila is a figment; she’s more of a thing, not a being. To me, Leila is the perfect person who you just fight so hard to get. She has no flaws, she’s beautiful, she’s perfect, and I’m trying to get her. She’s a concept.
So you must have a Leila in your life?
Greyson: No, and that’s the other thing about me writing the song. At the time, I wanted a Leila.
It must be hard to live up to Leila.
Greyson: It’s really tough.

Greyson Chance (© Universal Music Malaysia)

You know Malaysia loves you, but what do you have to say to the haters?
Greyson: I love them, they’re great. Without haters, you’re not gonna have fans. When you have haters, you know you’re doing something right. Come on, haters, I’m ready.
What’s the greatest compliment you’ve received from someone in the music industry?
Greyson: When I performed at Stevie Wonder’s event, and he came up to me and said, “You have a good voice, kid.” I was completely blown away.

creds : MSN entertainment

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Sunshine & City Lights on VEVO

SCL official music video which released on youtube on November 16th, 2012. (:

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


wah nampaknya lately views untuk post 'MDS di UiTM Seri Iskandar' smakin menaik. muahahaa yelah kan dah kuar result untuk second intake punya. okay, kalau korang2 yg dapat sama kampus ngan aku tu, jangan segan2 ler bertanya yew. :P

Monday, 19 November 2012

Me and OM1141A

hey guys!

haa unik tak nama kls aku? sangat numeric kan? -.- dlm kls tu ada la dlm 32 ke 3empat orang haa aku pun tak sure :p n kitorg ni mcm berpuak-puak -_- tp takdelah maknanya kitorg ni gaduh ke apa.. tegur2 gak la.. aku rapat dgn dua org minah ni, pegi kls sama2, balik sama2, beli makan sama2, haa smuanya nak sama2 sbb kitorg satu blok. ada je classmate lain yg satu blok ngan aku, tp ntahlah. maybe sbb kitorg ni duduk ground floor kot. lol tade kaitan.

inilah mereka :P ezzah and ain

dlm ramai2 student, kitorg lah yg paling seksa skali sbb fakulti dgn kolej jauh mak aihhh. lg2 kalau cuaca panas terik, dah rasa mcm jalan kat padang pasir. yg pakai makeup tu habis cair smua :p so sangat dinasihatkan supaya memakai payung untuk mengelakkan sakit kepala, kulit hangus dan sebagainya. kalau time hujan lak lain cite. hujan yg turun tu mmg lebat, disertakan dgn angin ribut yg mampu menerbangkan kain2 di ampaian sampai tersesat ke ampaian org lain. pernah skali aku g kls dlm hujan, bwk payung malangnya payung aku terbang -___- tinggal tangkai je kat tangan aku hampeh betul

okay aku ada 7 subjek. BEL atau english lah senang, CTU/agama, IMD means introduction to information skills, maths, PD stands for personality development, Doc Proc/document processing 1 and office admin. terus terang aku mmg agak blur masa awal2 sem dulu. seronok blajar maths je sbb chap 1 ialah sequence! pnah blaja time addmaths dulu. tp lama2 smakin tak phm sbb business maths ni most chapters pasal application. mula2 aku rilex2 dulu, 2 test aku fail tp still, watlek mcm tade pape. tp dah nak dekat final exam tu, huh menggeletaq tangan!

PD ni pun best lagi2 time kls. lecturer ajar pun clear and paham. dlm kls ni kena jaga2 sikit kalau bab style. dah nama pun personality development kan. cara nak match baju dgn stokin, tie, kasut, mcm mana nak jaga muka dgn betul, makeup segala, cara nak makan kalau kat function itu ini, smuanya ada dlm syllabus. tp time quiz and test, blank -_- for girls, kalau tak pakai heels at least 1", siap la hangpa kena tegur :p

le lecturer buat penilaian personality hahaa

tp dlm bnyk2 subjek aku suka BEL. wohoo kitorg ada 3 lecturer yg mengajar. 2 laki bini and another one melayu. aku suka gila dengar cara dorang speaking, perfect! tp antara 3 kls iaitu 'writing and grammar', 'listening and writing' + 'writing and speaking' aku suka kls 'listening and writing'. muahaha lecturer tu klakar and aku xpnah mngantuk klau dlm kls dia. tp kalau dlm kls bini diaaa. .. -_- aku sendiri pnah kena tego sbb tertidur dlm kls :p apa2 pun, terima kasih sgt kat madam yg ajar tu sbb dia target aku score dlm subjek dia n alhamdulillah, A for BEL!

mengkopi -_-

alaa mls lah nak cite psl smua subjek. meh cite psl kls lagi. sebenarnya untuk part 1, ada 5 group tp aku tergolong dlm kls A. sbbnya, nama aku start huruf F. muahaha dia bahagikan kls ikut abjad nama. mula2 aku keseorangan, sampaikan hari pertama kls aku ponteng sbb tak jumpa kls punya pasal (sila jangan tiru) then dah ada kwn barulah semangat nak g kls :p stiap hari isnin ptg, i mean masa kls math, aku pakai selipar je g kls sbb fakulti dekat muahahaa nampak tak keselambaan disitu? :p alaa ptg2 tu mano ado polis bantuan nak tahan2 dah.. dorg tu aktif pagi jee :P so peace (Y)

budak2 laki kls kami mcm budak2 -_- suka kacau org dan sebagainya. ada sorg ni mukanya mcm AJ :') tp dia pendek n sedikit berisi -.- dlm kls tu ada 2 pasang couple yg da declare manakala 2 pasang lagi masih dlm siasatan. boleh dikatakan statistik mereka yg da kapel lagi tinggi dr mereka yg still single hahaha

curi2 main game -_-

woot woot!

okay, itu sahaja daripada saya.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Sheryl ♥

hey guys! since i got nothing to do, i stalked people on twitter and look what i've found. she's my friend on twitter, also an enchancer :p she covers some songs and her voice boleh tahan lah . comel :3

wdyt? (;

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Dined with Greyson video

ini video yg lain n lebih clear masa dinner haritu x) enjoy watching <3

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Greyson Chance Autograph Session @ F.O.S Mid Valley

right after the dinner habis, kitorang terus bergegas keluar dr Madam Kwan's n menuju ke F.O.S untuk signing session pulak (;

okay, duduk dengan ain and akma. hahaa they keep asking me a lot of questions :p show them the pictures taken during the dinner and so on. while waiting in the line, F.O.S staffs bagi kita cupcake yg saaaaaaangat cute! sayang la nak makan. dunno y that chinese girl left her cupcakes on the floor til they got stepped by people :/


I told this girl to pose with Greyson's poster hehee

cute :*

these kids are too cute. I kept staring at 'em hahah :p

once sampai turn kitorg untuk berdiri, Staci Yamano, Greyson's manager, keluar amek gambar crowd. hahaa since ramai yg amek kesempatan bergambar ngan dia, i wanted to do it but i doubt. time aku dah sampai kat dia, dia tengah bercakap dgn one of the 20 winners td. aihhh kemain lama plak tu ckp -_- lama2 malas ah. tiba2 dia dah habis ckp, ain suruh aku pergi, cepat2 aku selit seblah dia and told her to look at the camera. then she smiled to the camera and ain snapped the photo weee~ pastu ain plak amek gambar ngan dia (x

bila dah masuk dlm F.O.S, Jin, hitz.fm crew tnya 'who wants to say something to Greyson?' then ain dgn akma angkat2 tangan 'me! me! me!' hahaha then jin pun suruh ain ckp. ain jerit kat mic 'i love u GREYSON!' xD Jin jawab 'he loves u too' hahaha fyi, Jin is Greyson's bestfriend tho xP

okay, i planned to snap some pictures bila dah sampai dekat Greyson but the security turn off the camera -,- mission failed lah. then while it is my turn, i said 'Greyson it's me again' hahaa aku lupa dia ckp apa --" tp sebenarnya dia yg tego dulu tp ntah apa dia ckp aku tak dengar -_-" then he signed my posters also my EP :D alycia got confused and asked me 'how many?' sbb poster aku banyak sangat xD

Greyson wanted us to sing Sunshine & City Lights loudly

after the signing, kitorang terus gerak balik since it was late. dlm kereta aku senyap je sbb penat sangat and pening jugak sebenarnya. credits to faramira, kak lisa, and aniqah jugak sbb sanggup tunggu lama kah3 xD oh Greyson, we hope to see you again. Please return to Malaysia as soon as possible kay? ILY muahhh :*

those legs *.*

p/s : check out the video! If u look at Greyson's mouth, he keeps saying 'thanks' hahaa poor Greyson

Friday, 9 November 2012

Dinner with Greyson ♥

hey guys!

dah lama tunggu? hahaa :p i know some of my readers are waiting for my story and wanna know what's going on during the dinner. heheh so I will share with u guys all of it k, you ready?

as mentioned, 4 winners to dine with Greyson couldn't make it. that was a shocking news but then I quickly checked f.o.s tweets and saw that only 3 seats left! kemain cepat dorang nih -_- then i doubt lah, should i try? LOL dah terbayang-bayang dinner ngan greyson apa smua.. berangan lebih lah, dapatnya belum tentu. that night i seriously couldn't slept thinking about the day tomorrow, tak tenang je rasa. so finally i decided to try my luck, who knows they got one seat for me? but i didn't put my hopes high, afraid that i would be frustrated if i didn't get it :3

the next day, november 3rd, again i was confused. couldn't decide whether to go to f.o.s wangsa walk or alpha angle -_- at last, my friend said, "pergi wwm je". so we went there, there was a clearance sale but nothing interesting. naik atas pergi store dia, yg bahagian adult, lalu depan kids & teens store, nampak kat kaunter ada sorg staff laki, sorang staff pompuan, malu, pergi adult store, nampak ada dua budak perempuan, mcm tengah buat pre-order. ahh dah masuk, kluar balik sbb malu babe -_- rushing pergi kids & teens store tadi. masuk2 terus tanya seat. dia kata ada lagi 3 ahhh terus menggigil lol aku kata kat dia nak buat pre-order smpai cukup nak dapatkan seat tu, mula2 dorang blur, terkesima agaknya -_- dah lama2 tu dorang kabut, amek kalkulator kira smua merch yg aku order tu smpai cukup jumlah hahaha chinese staff tu ckp 'ooo nak makan malam dgn greyson eaa?' hahaha sempat bergurau makk xD then the staff asked for a photo of me holding Greyson merch, and so I did

excuse my 'ohmygodigottodinewithgreysonchance' face

they posted it on instagram and twitter! and they told me that I'm very lucky because I'm the last winner! at that time I couldn't believe myself that I would meet Greyson, again!

so here we go. as y'all know, the autograph session was held at F.O.S at midvalley megamall on Monday, November 5th and so did the dinner but not at f.o.s laa. at around 5pm dah kena ada kat restaurant tu, Madam Kwan's restaurant. u guys can go eat there after this because Greyson had been there hehee so i went to the restaurant with my new lovely friend, Atia from JB. she was super cool and very friendly. when we arrived at madam kwan's, other winners were already there.

spot me? :p photo credits to Jamie Lee

okay, i sat next to qistina enara and while waiting, she asked me if i got twitter. i said i got two accounts and i mentioned my second account, but sadly she didn't remember lol of course, who would, anyway. then she asked me my name, i said 'farah. tp panggil bella je' lol funny. dia tanya if i'm the 'last minute' winner. i said yes. then she said 'cepat je korang eh' then i said 'mestilah' hahaha we both laughed. she called me farah which was quite weird to my ears because usually among members je panggil gitu kahhh

while waiting in front of Madam Kwan's

then bila semua dah sign dekat checklist nama, nicholas a.k.a orang f.o.s yg handle dinner tu panggil sorang2 masuk dlm madam kwan's tu. so bad my seat was at the very back k -_- the girl on my right was iffah, while in front of me was jamie. she was hyper tho xD but luckily they were so talkative and friendly. i didn't know what to do while waiting for Greyson since my bb had ran out of battery -_- so i just sat there quietly and waiting calmly. i was starving but they only served the drinks so i just chewed the grass jelly -_- they were playing the ep, truth be told. it was on repeat sampai greyson muncul

that tina girl wanted to exchange place
most of the winners are Chinese as u can see hee
najwa and iffah
Jamie's photo of Greyson
the sauces. lol do i really need to caption this
Atia, Anis and Tina

okay 2 hours later, Greyson pun sampaiiiiiii! the situation went a little bit chaos since everyone was busy snapping pictures. and also the photographers from idk, umm kot? ahhh I couldn't describe my feeling at that time since he was just infront of my eyes. i kept on snapping pics and i was shaking. and then he shook hands with all the winners starting with my line, kelam kabut aku hahaha then when it comes to my turn, he greeted me 'hey nice to meet you' oh my God, the way he shook my hand, he squeezed it firmly and tightly and he was very polite. and his hand, his haaand was amazingly as sooooofffftttt as a marshmallow can you feel meeeeeee?! Щ(ºДºЩ) i'm dying now! k

the moment he started shaking hands
photo credits to Anis
photo credits to anis
okay guys! spot who's in the mirror, and look at his eyes! xD
photo credits to Anis

jamie was lucky because greyson remembered her. he kept saying 'i know you', 'you're so sweet', 'i love you' ahhh im sooo jealousssss! and she gave greyson a big frame portrait of himself. its so beautiful, i'm not lying! jamie placed the portrait down on the floor at the middle, greyson stopped quite long looking and checking the portrait. he was so near to me :') tapi time ambek gambar entah jadi apa2 -,-

at this time i told u he was so freakin close to me
he was holding a big portrait of himself that Jamie gave him and he loves it
blurry photo because i was shaking since he was so close to me!

food was served on the table the moment greyson sampai. i ordered nasi lemak and i was seriously starving. after snapping pics i sat down and ate my nasi lemak. the food was delicious but when Greyson started talking, all eyes were focused on him. it was like i had been hypnotized hahah what if your favourite idol that you adore so much was right infront of you, can you even eat the food? lol all of a sudden i regret tak habiskan that nasi lemak. my loss

nasi lemak

the media and press cameramen

Greyson, wearing the mustache spec xD cute, right!

and then when there was a silence, Greyson spoke "C'mon, ask a question. Don't be shy." so sweet walawehhh i was blank, all the questions i wanted to ask were already asked by other winners. i think jamie was the one who gave lot of questions to Greyson but i like it because she was sitting next to me, so probably when greyson looked at jamie he might as well looked at me lol perasan k. tp time jawab soalan greyson pandang jamie ahhhhhh jealousnyaaaa :( i chatted with jamie on fb and she furiously asked 'y u didn't asked a question?' lol because i was stupid

Greyson, answering Jamie

everyone was as excited as I was

he talked a lot!

spot Staci?

Greyson was very talkative the whole time and he made us laugh. he was so funny la, and when jamie asked 'will u come back to malaysia?' he replied 'i will come again very soon' hahah favorite answer dia.. he took a few sips on his drink which i thought was black jelly ice just like mine, it was coke, k -.-" pelik jugak kalau dia minum cincau hahah there was a time when he ate satay, 'i dont know what is this but i love it' then we all said 'satayyyyy' in unison. he replied 'oh satayyy?' his tone was very slow and soft plus his voice was sooo sexyyyy wehhhhh he even sniffed the sauce served on the table and made a funny face xD so adorably cute!

he asked us what our fav subject is, then all said 'mathhhs!' (since we know he loves maths lol) suddenly he said 'i love history.. do you like history?' all said 'nooooo' he made that face again.. his expression was always making us laugh xD tina shouted 'then we love history!' lol greyson thinks Malaysian history is interesting and better than american's. can't you guys see how much he loves Malaysia? xD

someone asked 'what makes you put @leilasguy as instagram username?' he quickly answered, 'oh i changed it to greysonchance already' hahaha we know lah greyson. at first you put @leilasguy :P he said he tried so many names lol and michaelawarren is the one who inspired him to create an instagram account. we even asked greyson to do gangnam style and he did the gestures hahaha so cute!

when asked 'who's AMY?' Greyson cepat je jawab 'Amy Winehouse' hahaa smua mcm 'ooooooo' Greyson got confused hahaha xD and he answered a question bout who's Leila.. he said its a figment of his imagination, not a being.. so please stop saying Leila tu Alli lah apa lahh bla bla bla.. then greyson asked if there anymore questions, tina quickly raised her hand up and asked 'can we take a photo together now?' and the photograph session started. he began with my line and i became so nervous

he got on his knees just to take a photo with his fans! this kid, i swear :')

spot me huh? *sorry ummi :p

trying to snap a clear photo for my turn. see Greyson in this picture? He is in this picture tho, find him
okay... as u can see, he was in front of me.. k
his hand...

cute Greyson
Staci and talkative Greyson
with June. Greyson mentioned her on twitter about that special book!

Greyson's pervert face! xD

he loves that! he said it's cool!

with Jamie.

guess who took the photos of greyson with us all? it was STACI his manager! then when it comes to my turn, i gave the dslr to staci, and was already posing, suddenly greyson asked, "oh, can you turn on the flash?" at first, staci tried. but she failed to find the right button so she gave it back to me. i didnt know what to do because it wasnt my cameraaa D: i took it from Staci and i've never felt so embarrased, i bet everybody in the room was looking. finally i said to him, 'this is not my camera' that was the only thing that came out from my mouth oh God. ahhh i was thinking, mesti melepas ni turn aku (╥_╥) afraid everyone would be mad bcs i took a while. and all of a sudden Greyson spoke, "Oh, lemme see" he took the camera from my hand and turned the flash mode on then he said "ahh okay" and gave it back to Staci uuuuuuuuuu i felt like crying at that time x') then we took a picture together (Y)

le me gave the dslr to Staci

when he took the dslr right from my hand <3

Greyson, fumbling with the camera and finally found the flash mode button and turned it on

the second time Iffah and Greyson took a pic together (since the first photo was blurry), it was me who snapped the pic using the dslr. i clicked the snap button twice lol aku kan suka snap banyak2. tiba2 greyson terkejut 'ohh?' he thought i hadn't snap yet hahaha then i said sorry to him aaaaaaa he was soooo cuuuute! then he asked everybody, 'is everyone's picture okay?' very concerned :') nak je aku cakap aku punya tak okay lol then when it comes to tina's turn, she wanted to use the dslr as well, so i passed it to staci. staci has good photography skills tho. then they asked for a group photo. there were cameras everywhere. f.o.s camera, UMM's, staci's, greyson's.. oh wait, greyson's?? lol idk whose phone staci used to snap the photo cuz both of them were using iphone -_- but i think greyson was using a white phone casing heheh we all really hope he keeps the photo :> staci took many pictures la actually and i have no idea what she gonna do with it.

the second click, opsss...

ready for a group photo

having done with group photo, greyson got up and he was about to leave when i asked a hug from him. then he lovely said 'owhhh sorry.. i'm sorry..' kept repeating the same words, first i grabbed his hand with my left hand 'cuz my right hand was holding a camera. then when he was done saying sorry to me, he leggo of my hand ): then i stretched out my hand to him again without expecting anything, nak tau takkkkkk dia pegi sambut tangan aku tuuuuu?!!! ahhhh dia genggam jari aku tuuuuu kuat dooo! and still saying the same word, 'sorry' -__-" he looked at my face several times :') but i don't think he remembers me. but still, i'm grateful, i met him that close x) and when he stood near me, i looked at him, wahhh we are at the same height! but i think he's taller o_O my boy has grown up (': heh then he said he was gonna get ready for signing session pulak, 'meet you at the signing!' -he said. heheh then semua keluar ikut greyson but he exited through the kitchen/back door while kitorang exited ikut pintu depan

he was about to leave...

byebye GreyGrey... Hope to meet you again very soon! (;

p/s: this post is kinda long, thanks to everyone who reads until the bottom, you guys rock! <3

the group photo taken by F.O.S! one Greyson with 20 of us! ;D

p/s : the video was recorded by Jamie. agak kelam kabut lol and if you listen closely you will hear my voice lol like everyone knows my voice