right after the dinner habis, kitorang terus bergegas keluar dr Madam Kwan's n menuju ke F.O.S untuk signing session pulak (;
okay, duduk dengan ain and akma. hahaa they keep asking me a lot of questions :p show them the pictures taken during the dinner and so on. while waiting in the line, F.O.S staffs bagi kita cupcake yg saaaaaaangat cute! sayang la nak makan. dunno y that chinese girl left her cupcakes on the floor til they got stepped by people :/
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I told this girl to pose with Greyson's poster hehee |
cute :* |
these kids are too cute. I kept staring at 'em hahah :p |
once sampai turn kitorg untuk berdiri, Staci Yamano, Greyson's manager, keluar amek gambar crowd. hahaa since ramai yg amek kesempatan bergambar ngan dia, i wanted to do it but i doubt. time aku dah sampai kat dia, dia tengah bercakap dgn one of the 20 winners td. aihhh kemain lama plak tu ckp -_- lama2 malas ah. tiba2 dia dah habis ckp, ain suruh aku pergi, cepat2 aku selit seblah dia and told her to look at the camera. then she smiled to the camera and ain snapped the photo weee~ pastu ain plak amek gambar ngan dia (x
bila dah masuk dlm F.O.S, Jin, hitz.fm crew tnya 'who wants to say something to Greyson?' then ain dgn akma angkat2 tangan 'me! me! me!' hahaha then jin pun suruh ain ckp. ain jerit kat mic 'i love u GREYSON!' xD Jin jawab 'he loves u too' hahaha fyi, Jin is Greyson's bestfriend tho xP
okay, i planned to snap some pictures bila dah sampai dekat Greyson but the security turn off the camera -,- mission failed lah. then while it is my turn, i said 'Greyson it's me again' hahaa aku lupa dia ckp apa --" tp sebenarnya dia yg tego dulu tp ntah apa dia ckp aku tak dengar -_-" then he signed my posters also my EP :D alycia got confused and asked me 'how many?' sbb poster aku banyak sangat xD
Greyson wanted us to sing Sunshine & City Lights loudly |
after the signing, kitorang terus gerak balik since it was late. dlm kereta aku senyap je sbb penat sangat and pening jugak sebenarnya. credits to faramira, kak lisa, and aniqah jugak sbb sanggup tunggu lama kah3 xD oh Greyson, we hope to see you again. Please return to Malaysia as soon as possible kay? ILY muahhh :*
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those legs *.* |
p/s : check out the video! If u look at Greyson's mouth, he keeps saying 'thanks' hahaa poor Greyson
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