Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Stranded ^_^
Sat there on the dock
With both my feet grazing the water
I could taste the island beaches on my tongue
Splashes on the rocks
Got me imagining the palm trees
And the shorelines spotted up with coconuts
Tidal waves and hurricanes
Broken anchors, crashing planes
Keep washing me up on your sand
Take my hand
I wanna be stranded on this island with you
I wanna be stranded on this island for two
And I hope it's somewhere far
Where only we are
Stranded on your heart
Spend my free time thinking
How your tears aren't made for drinking
But I'm thirsty for what you're keeping inside
Losing track of time what seems like weeks
Is only hours
I can't wait until that moment when you're mine
Even though we're not the same
Different in every way
I can't but smile when you say
Take my hand
I wanna be stranded on this island with you
I wanna be stranded on this island for two
And I hope it's somewhere far
Where only we are
Stranded on your heart
I won't call S.O.S
No message in a bottle
No signaling with smoke
I'm trying to get home
If I can't be with you
I'd rather be alone
I wanna be stranded on this island with you
I wanna be stranded on this island for two
And I hope it's somewhere far
Where only we are
Stranded on your heart
And I hope it's somewhere far
Where only we are
Stranded on your heart
And I hope it's somewhere far
Where only we are
Stranded on your heart
p/s : gonna miss all the moment at school :')
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Waiting Outside the Lines by Greyson Chance
semalam lpas habis je AIM 18, GC terus dtg umh aku nak wish goodluck untk esok.. hahaa pastu dia nynyikan lagu ni untuk bg semangat kat aku hehehee :P
You’ll never enjoy your life,
living inside the box
You’re so afraid of taking chances,
how you gonna reach the top?
Rules and regulations,
force you to play it safe
Get rid of all the hesitation,
it’s time for you to seize the day
Instead of just sitting around
and looking down on tomorrow
You gotta let your feet off the ground,
the time is now
I’m waiting, waiting, just waiting,
I’m waiting, waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Try to have no regrets
even if it’s just tonight
How you gonna walk ahead
if you keep living blind
Stuck in that same position,
you deserve so much more
There’s a whole world around us,
just waiting to be explored
Instead of just sitting around
and looking down on tomorrow
You gotta let your feet off the ground,
the time is now, just let it go
Don't wanna have to force you to smile
I’m here to help you notice the rainbow
'Cause I know,
What’s in you is out there
I’m waiting, waiting, just waiting,
I’m waiting, waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
I’m trying to be patient (I’m trying to be patient)
the first step is the hardest (the hardest)
I know you can make it,
go ahead and take it
I’m Waiting, waiting, just waiting I’m waiting
I’m waiting, waiting, just waiting
I’m waiting, waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
You’ll never enjoy your life
Living inside the box
You’re so afraid of taking chances,
How you gonna reach the top?
living inside the box
You’re so afraid of taking chances,
how you gonna reach the top?
Rules and regulations,
force you to play it safe
Get rid of all the hesitation,
it’s time for you to seize the day
Instead of just sitting around
and looking down on tomorrow
You gotta let your feet off the ground,
the time is now
I’m waiting, waiting, just waiting,
I’m waiting, waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Try to have no regrets
even if it’s just tonight
How you gonna walk ahead
if you keep living blind
Stuck in that same position,
you deserve so much more
There’s a whole world around us,
just waiting to be explored
Instead of just sitting around
and looking down on tomorrow
You gotta let your feet off the ground,
the time is now, just let it go
Don't wanna have to force you to smile
I’m here to help you notice the rainbow
'Cause I know,
What’s in you is out there
I’m waiting, waiting, just waiting,
I’m waiting, waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
I’m trying to be patient (I’m trying to be patient)
the first step is the hardest (the hardest)
I know you can make it,
go ahead and take it
I’m Waiting, waiting, just waiting I’m waiting
I’m waiting, waiting, just waiting
I’m waiting, waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
You’ll never enjoy your life
Living inside the box
You’re so afraid of taking chances,
How you gonna reach the top?
wah3 sweetnya.. heee btw you're so smart kiddy <3 ^_^
You Can by David Archuleta
Take me where I've never been
Help me on my feet again
Show me that good things come
To those who wait
Tell me I'm not on my own
Tell me I won't be alone
Tell me what I'm feeling isn't some mistake
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Save me from myself, you can
And it's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow
Tonight would never end
If you asked me, I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Baby, when you look at me
Tell me what do you see?
Are these the eyes of someone
You could love?
'Cause everything that brought me here
Well, not it all seems so clear
Baby, you're the one that I've been dreaming of
If anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Save me from myself, you can
And it's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow
Tonight would never end
If you asked me I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love
Only you can take me sailing in your deepest eyes
Bring me to my knees and make me cry
And no one's ever done this
Everything was just a lie and I know, yes, I know
This is where it all begins
So tell me it will never end
I can't fool myself
It's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow
Tonight would never end
If you asked me I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
If anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Show me that good things come
To those who wait
Help me on my feet again
Show me that good things come
To those who wait
Tell me I'm not on my own
Tell me I won't be alone
Tell me what I'm feeling isn't some mistake
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Save me from myself, you can
And it's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow
Tonight would never end
If you asked me, I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Baby, when you look at me
Tell me what do you see?
Are these the eyes of someone
You could love?
'Cause everything that brought me here
Well, not it all seems so clear
Baby, you're the one that I've been dreaming of
If anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Save me from myself, you can
And it's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow
Tonight would never end
If you asked me I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love
Only you can take me sailing in your deepest eyes
Bring me to my knees and make me cry
And no one's ever done this
Everything was just a lie and I know, yes, I know
This is where it all begins
So tell me it will never end
I can't fool myself
It's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow
Tonight would never end
If you asked me I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
If anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Show me that good things come
To those who wait
Friday, 11 November 2011
11-11-11 beautiful date to remember
![]() |
its today.. |
emm okay smua...
finally I did it..
wah! tak sangka aku dah buat.. yeahhh
prasaan aku slama almost 3years da terluah.. hahaa susah la describe apa yg aku rasa skrg ni.. absolutely puas, lega, takut pon ada.. campur2.. mcm tu lah.. respon dia pon baik.. dia xde lah teruk sngt mcm yg salu org ckp.. n ayat terakhir dr dia, ayat yg slalu org2 dekat ngn aku ckp kat aku.. sweet! ^_^
tp dia still taktaw aku sape.. sengaja taknak bgtaw sbb blom masa lg utk dia taw.. biar ar dia wondering sape yg anta text tiba2 mcm tu.. hahaa
kalau ikut plan asal, aku nak bgtaw kat adik dia je psl smua bnda ni.. n since buat plan tu, puas la aku fikir mcm mana nak cari masa b'dua je ngn adik dia.. nak ajak stay ke kan.. tiba2 dgn kuasa Allah (aceyy), hari ni ada jamuan pss.. mcm merestukan je apa yg aku nak buat neh.. hahaa
tp last2 minute, ada satu benda yg buat aku tukar plan.. so aku prefer confess kat dia direct thru texting.. sengaja pilih hari ni sbb tarikh cantik, hari Jumaat yg mulia n rasanya masa yg ssuai sbb next week dah spm, so mybe dia akan cepat lupakan bnda ni.. otak aku pon da clear dr bnda2 ni..
wow yeah... first time aku buat bnda ni.. spnjang jd student xpnah tfikir pon psl bnda karut neh.. smuanya takut MALU.. but now, who cares? next year aku da xskolah.. da xpayah nak brada dlm satu tmpt dgn dia lg.. n kitorg bjumpa pon mybe time amek result.. time tu klau dia nak kata apa pon aku da x kesah.. "AKU SUKA KAU" bkn bnda snang nak ckp especially for girl.. tp aku nak jugak rasa mcm mana prasaan tu.. n aku x rasa kene reject or apa2 prasaan yg -ve sbb aku bknnya mnagih cinta dia ke apa (wekk!).. mmg x harap apa2 pon dr dia.. just bgtw apa yg aku rasa..
so, 11/11/11.. today jd saksi aku luahkan smua prasaan aku kat dia eventhough dia blom tau aku sape.. taon2 yg pnoh suka, sedih n kecewa since aku knal dia akn jd sweet memory bila aku tinggalkan skola nnti..
so weh, lau ada minat kat sape2 tu, confess je.. xyah nak fikir sngt apa org nak kata.. nowadays, ssapa pon bleh start first step eventhough people always said that boys should start it first.. klau nak pendam pon boley je.. bia smpai jd pekasam kat dlm hati tu.. hahaa either we are accepted or rejected, tu sume blkg cite.. yg penting kita da buat yg spatutnye.. klau dia terima, kau jugak yg bahagia tahap dewa kan.. if otherwise, do not despair bcause there's somebody out there yg lg baik untuk kau.. hohoo
okay, da panjang lebar aku merapu ni.. ingt nak type sikit je td.. hee~ jngn slah phm, ni bkn space dr. love yer.. hahaa just sharing confession with you all, my beloved readers.. hahaa ^_^
p/s : youarethebesteverinmyfantasy,Mr. AJ...
Monday, 7 November 2011
Graduation Day 2011
3/11/11 finally berlangsungnya hri yg ditunggu-tunggu ktorg, Hari Graduasi! hahaa betempat kat Kelab Darul Ihsan.. bbrpe hri sblm tu, smua dok bising nk pkai apa, nak bwk apa, baju kaler apa, lg2 minah2 konah en.. hri2 slagi blom smpainya hri tu, dok ckp psl bnda yg sama.. tmasuklah aku.. hehee siap panggil zareen dtg umh nak soh ajar pkai shawl.. last2 follow style amal je.. hahaa
mula2 aku taktaw nak pkai apa aw, tiba2 satu hari tu mama bwk balik sepasang kebaya nyonya which belong to her friend untuk tunjuk kat aku.. cantik mmg cantik n I likee... ayah pon suka n dia nak aku pkai kebaya mcm tu laa.. hahaa x lama tu aku fikir2, dah xde baju sngt, pkai jela kebaya tu.. so cpt2 aku ckp ngn mama soh tempah baju tu.. x sampai sbulan siap ar.. sengaja plih kaler merah sbb xde dlm koleksi lg.. so aku pakai kebaya tu dgn pashmina biru .. weee ^_^
mula2 plan nk dtg awal aw, nak bkumpul kat umh mas dulu.. malulah konon, da pkai vogue2 kene plak masuk kwsn skola.. last2 hampeh~ dtg lmbt time bese n bila jejak je kaki kat dlm area skola tu, smua mata pandang.. rasa mcm artis pon ada hahaa aku pon jalan wat muka slumber kat blkg bucu, sepanjang jalan tu mmg x pndg kiri kanan dah.. mata mmg pndg bumi je.. hahaa nervous pnye pasal.. so, kitorg pon mnuju ke bilik wuduk.. smpai2 je, masing2 tngh btolkan itu ini.. skali time loceng da bnyi, tinggal kitorg je student form5 yg blom masuk barisan.. aiseyy malunyeee... da la smua pndg time tu.. sabar jelaa..
lpas tu ada rehearsal pulak kat dewan.. tmpt grand kan, klau boleh xnak ada salah.. time nak masuk dewan tu, aku t'salah pilih way.. g selit kat celah2 krusi kantin yg dah t'susun tuh n b'selisih lak ngn ummi.. nak lari xleh dah.. dlm otak ni fikir bkn2 je.. mana tak.. takut ummi x suke er aq pkai fit mcm tu.. kain belah lg.. hnya mampu senyum.. skali ummi bkak mulut, "aloo comelnyee.." erk time tu aku blurr kejap, rasa nak pndg blkg pon ada, mne la tau kot2 ummi ckp kat org blkg.. hahaa aku tngok mata ummi dia pndg aku.. hahaa aku t'sengih2 je kat situ.. teruja~ takut gak kot2 kene sound td.. hee~
time rehearsal, bleh plak ida dpt tempat sebla2 ngn mumu.. hesh perampas dlm diam ehh ko.. :P da r sdondon.. apa bole buat.. tngok jelaa.. n time tu aq gunekanla pluang snap bnyk2 gmbr dia curi2.. hihi stalker msti sntiasa cari pluang.. ade satu masa tu dia ikat tie, comel giler... tp aq x sanggup tngok sspe bkak tie.. itu mmg scary.. taktaw ah npe,, please jngn buat dpn aku.. hahaa AJ pon x kurg smart.. aku suke dia pon sbb style dia mmg smart.. n that day dia mmg super smart.. aku pon ade snap gmbr dia satu.. gmbr dr side tepi.. hohoo whateverlahkan
5 suria naik satu bas.. wow,mmg best! hahaa smpai2 kat sana.. tmpt dia mmg OSEM lah weh.. ckgu mmg xslah plih tmpt.. lpas da dftr, tros masuk dlm n aku dpt meja num 1.. nseb baek ada ida.. klau x, ape yg jd agaknye? =_= lpas tu ckgu soh amek jubah.. walawehhh kitorg yg rasmikan dulu.. aku dpt topi dia num 18.. hahaa excited.. pas da abes ucapan suma, tibalah waktu yg buat org nervous.. sorang2 nama disebut naek stage.. nervous siottt.. urghhh lpas je turn aku, kene pusing jaoh smpai kat tmpt mula2 td.. wah! aku nmpk mumu, t'ngiang2 ida ckp td, "fara,nanti bg ah jubah kat mumu" pastu aku pon branikan diri tnya kat dorg, dah la suma lelaki, "sape yg xde lg? , sape yg nak?" smbil tunjuk jubah tu.. ulang2 lah soalan tu aku tnya, mumu bole buat derk je, bleh dia tngok je jubah kat tngn aku tu.. hish geram btol.. yg laen2 suma nak size s.. mntang2 ar jubah aku tu size m.. last2 ariff hb yg amek.. huh
menu dia wlaupon familiar tp not bad.. fried rice dia sdap, fried noodle n cakes! i really luv it! hahaa plus cordial mango smpai ada org tu tminum air org len.. barulah satu malaysia kan? :D hahaa cian mumu dia lmbt mkn sbb kene bratur pnjg sngt smpai mknn pon habes.. ada satu masa tu aku pndg dia, dia tngh usha ida yg tngh syok melahap.. hahaa muka mcm nak mkn ida je.. mybe dia jeles kot sbb kitorg dpt mkn dulu.. hee padahal kitorg potong queue.. skelip mata je da dpt mknn.. hahaa p lantak laa.. aku byr rm30 bkn untk bratur pnjg :P
lpas mkn2 n performance, ade sesi mohon restu yg kali kdua punye.. like usual, mula dr kls suria.. hahaa bila smpai kat ummi je, msti ar x lpas pluang nak peluk dia.. next year lau jmpa pon time amek result insyaAllah.. pastu dia ckp lg, "merah btol hari ni yer?" hahaa xpnah tngok muka ummi happy mcm tu.. then kitorg pon snap2 gmbr kat luar..
that day, masing2 bahagia dpt b'gambar ngn ehem2 msg2.. hahaa untung ar.. pakwe sporting.. hee~ tp balik x best giler.. xpayah cite kat sini ar.. naik bus tu pon bikin pening, smpai aku tpaksa ponteng all out.. huh
okay, tamat sudah post kali ni.. aku rasa moment ni paling best n sweet pnah aku ada spnjg taon ni.. harap kita smua berjaya dlm spm nnti okay.. hahaa skrg aku da graduate! *campak topi keatas :D
Saturday, 5 November 2011
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